Basic Policy on Responsible Investment
As a responsible institutional investor, Resona Asset Management Co., Ltd. has defined a Basic Policy on Responsible Investment and clarified its stance to pursue the client's best interest from a medium- to long-term perspective in its management of trust assets, etc. Following the Basic Policy on Responsible Investment below, we will strive to establish a clear policy, and publish effective activities and their details to ensure our fulfillment of responsible investment and stewardship responsibilities.
— Basic Policy on Responsible Investment —
- 1.Basic Policy
In our management of trust assets, etc., we will promote the improvement of the social value and sustainable growth of issuers of securities with a medium- to long-term perspective based on sufficient understanding and analysis of not only the financial information of issuers of securities, but also non-financial information as well, including response to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues. Through these efforts, we will strive to increase the value of trust assets, etc. - 2.Objective
This policy aims to encourage appropriate investment strategies intended for increasing the value of trust assets etc., exclusively for the benefit of the investors and the beneficiaries. -
3.Specific Actions
We will implement the following actions that embody this policy.- Incorporate ESG into the investment decision making process
- Participate in constructive dialogue and engagement with investee companies
- Exercise appropriate voting rights as a trustee